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Ditch the Big Box Gym

Everyone has played the game, right? We all know we’re supposed to work out at least three times a week, so we find a gym, workout, and are happy.
So why does that monthly membership fee hurt so much? And why is it so hard to cancel it?
Who wants to deal with commuting, dirty equipment, annoying operation hours, broken treadmills, overcrowded gyms... these annoyances are not the best motivator for sticking with that gym you signed up for.
Do you really want to be paying hundreds to thousands of dollars a year for this experience?
If you’re not convinced that public gyms aren’t worth the money, let’s look at one of the cheapest gyms available: Planet Fitness.
Maybe you joined the Planet Fitness club where their biggest hook is the admittedly attractive $10.00 a month cost, but this comes with additional startup and annual fees, 12 month commitment, and limited access to all of their features. Another one of their biggest hooks is the ability to use any planet fitness, but that feature is only available with their more expensive plan (you know, the one where they give you free pizza and bagels after your workout!).
Using the PRxPerformance Gym Cost Calculator, the calculator estimates Planet Fitness, the epitome of gym saving membership marketing, costing over $600 dollars after one year. (and that is their most basic plan!). This is with only a five minute commute and a cost estimate of 2.70 per gallon of gas. Remember that this is the cheapest, and potentially underequipt, gym option out there. Let’s be real, Planet Fitness is more likely to fuel your pizza cravings rather than your gainz.
If gym memberships, yes even Planet Fitness, are so expensive, what is the alternative?
Getting your gainz at home! It’s time to start your home gym… and we already know what you’re thinking… It's too expensive, I don’t have room, and I don’t know what to get. Here are the three myths we hear about home gyms and why you shouldn’t believe everything you hear!
The Top 3 Myths about Home Gyms and Why they are Wrong.
People aren’t using their gym membership. Public gyms make millions of dollars off of the people who don’t show up after they sign and swipe (sad but true). PRx is all about saving you time, space, and money. If you are looking to fit fitness into your life and never miss the gym again, building a home gym is the way to go.
Here are the 3 myths we hear everyday about home gyms.
The Three Home Gym Myths:
1. It Costs too much
2. They take up too much space
3. I don’t have time to workout
Myth 1: It’s too expensive to have a home gym.
You have the ability to go in and build your own package, so you can keep to your specific needs. PRx offers a range of products to fit into anyone’s budget without sacrificing on quality. You can snag one of our Murphy Racks for just $500 dollars.
If you're in search of a complete package, the PRx package that gives you everything you need to lift starts out at $1779.91. This package includes PRx Profile squat rack, olympic barbell, weight storage peg along with weight plates and talons, ab mat, and a medicine ball, along with their respective storage solutions. This is a complete package that has everything you need to start fitting fitness into life all for less than one Peloton bike. Why would you pay $40.00 a month to run a piece of gear you purchased (for thousands of dollars) when you can get everything you need for one set cost?
If you are looking for ways to make the dip into home gym life even easier, PRx offers a financing option with Bread.
Bread allows you to pay over time with the potential of no added interest. Breaking down the cost into increments to make them easier on you (and your wallet). The payment methods are flexible, and you are able to work out the best timeline for you.
So, the common myth of needing to have cash flowing out of your pockets has officially been busted.
Myth 2: I don’t have room for a home gym
PRx Performance is the pioneer of the space-saving gym equipment movement that all started on Shark Tank. Check out our Shark Tank experience blog to learn more about how PRx grew to what it is today. And while we might continue to bring new and exciting things to the market (wink), we keep our love for making home gyms work in any space close to our hearts.
Our Profile® PRO and Profile® racks are made for small spaces. They fold up to lay flush with the wall of your room, gym, basement, shed, you name it. When stored, they only stick out four inches. PRx also offers the folding Murphy rack which is both space saving and a budget friendly option. Even our storage solutions are space-saving! Keep kettlebells off the ground, weights in their place, and protect those barbells! PRx takes advantage of vertical wall space, so you will find out pretty quickly that home gyms don’t need more than 114 inches of horizontal space for a full setup.
If you find your space falling under the suggested requirements, don’t panic, we are really good at making your space work. You can connect with PRx customer service to find a solution that works for you.
At the end of the day, you can set your home gym up in your garage, and still park your car when you're done. Pretty cool, huh?
Myth 3:I don’t have time to workout
You do have time. Trust us. With your new snazzy gym now just a walk out to the garage, it’s easier than ever to stay dedicated to your workout schedule. A mere thirty minute sweat session is all it takes to feel energized and let those endorphins flow.
It’s a myth that you need to workout for an hour to ninety minutes five times a week to see progress or simply feel good. While the o’l fitness influencer may have that time (because it’s their job) the rest of us have a 9-5 and a family to balance out.
The good news is that home gyms are open 24/7 and there is no commute.
Don’t worry, we completely understand that life is busy and time is short. Sometimes, there simply isn’t time, and that’s okay. Fitness is a lifestyle, so it’s about the long-haul and not that one leg day you missed. However, go ahead and take a look at your phone usage in your phone data. I’m sure you’ll find time to get in a good lift. It’s okay, we’re calling ourselves out, too!
Honestly, having your gym in your garage is such a time saver. We all spend enough time in our cars anyway.
The Bottom Line: Home Gyms are the Future
In the long run, home gyms are going to save you a lot of money and a lot of time. They don’t need to take up a whole floor in your home, and PRx will be there for you every step and misstep thanks to our awesome customer service team. Home gyms aren’t as intimidating as they are made out to be. It’s time that these myths are put to rest.