Rope Climb without a Rope | Home Gym Hacks

Rope Climbs without a Rope
Not a lot of garage gym owners have the ceiling height for rope climbs, so today we are going to be demonstrating how to do towel rope climbs. You'll need a generic bath towel from inside and have a squat rack with a pull-up or kipping bar in the garage. First, throw the towel over the pull-up or kipping bar and grab each end with your hands. To perform the movement, when one hand goes up the opposite leg goes up together. Get in a synchronized pattern and go as long as you can. This is not going to be an easy movement but keep at it. Being a garage gym owner is all about improvising movements, so give towel rope climbs a try.
For a video demonstration, click this link.
If you have any questions or recommendations, please comment and let us know! We would love to help you figure out how to add new movements into your home workouts.
Equipment needed:
- Squat Rack
- Towel

Home Gym Hacks
We created the Home Gym Hacks series to help you get the most out of your home gym, and make sure you never feel limited because of it! Our Home Gym Hacks series is a bunch of tried and true tips and tricks for you to get the most out of your home gym!
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