PRx 2021 Rewind

December 28, 2021 2 min read

Do you ever look back on a year and think, “Holy crap! We did all that?!”?

2019 brought us some great memories and crazy experiences.

2020 was a blur of selling out of products in seconds and surviving the aftermath of a flooded building.

And 2021 will forever be known as the year of product launches!

It’s been a jam-packed year, and we wouldn’t change a thing (well, maybe one thing...).

Our Year In Review


PRx 2021 Rewind

We moved into our new headquarters!!!! Well, we sort of moved. Turns out we ran into a lot of delays, but we got approval for our warehouse space and condensed down from three buildings to one! Our wide-open space filled up fast and our office crew is counting down the days until the other half of the building is complete.


Our New HQ


We brought our vlogs back! Stay up to date with the PRx crew here



We survived a typical Fargo year filled with multiple blizzards, insanely hot days, and a ridiculous amount of wind. We ran out of forks. Literally. We couldn’t find forks for like, a week. We held an EPIC Board Meeting. Each year, the PRx crew takes a bus out to a lake for a day filled with games, swimming, goals discussions, and maybe a brew or two. This year, we spent the day playing tug-of-war, bean bags, and canoeing around the lake.


PRx Board Meeting 2021


We launched the product you’ve been asking us for for years: The PRx Profile® Incline Folding Bench! You can pre-order your bench today:


PRx Incline Folding Bench


We hit the Inc. 5000 list for the 4th year in a row!

We made the Inc 5000 List

We changed the fitness industry once again with our new modular power rack line, Build Limitless®. After countless hours spent planning, attending meetings, designing, and testing, we introduced our unique squat rack that lets you start small and grow big. Check out the racks here:


Meet Build Limitless


In spite of all that growing and fun, we still somehow kept our sanity, humor, and culture through it all. So cheers to a year of new products, new challenges, and new PRs. Thanks for being a part of our PRx Crew. We’ll see you in 2022.

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