Part 3 - More Time, More Freedom, and More Space

Part 3 - More Time, More Freedom, and More Space

You’ve got everything dialed in at this point. Your home gym journey has started and your programming is at the palm of your hand with PRx Fit.

But you’ve lost focus or can’t find the motivation to walk into the garage by yourself.

Get Others Involved

Here’s the beauty of it: No one said you must do this alone. The amount of feedback we’ve gotten from customers who have introduced their families, their friends, or even their neighbors to the garage gym life has been overwhelming for us as a company.

It’s not easy going from a commercial gym or CrossFit box, where you're surrounded by others (most of whom are there for a common purpose – to stay fit and healthy), to flying solo in your garage gym. Although you gain an enormous amount of mental toughness putting in the work day in and day out by yourself, we encourage you to get your family and friends involved. It’s harder to fall off track or lose focus when you have someone else holding you accountable.

Create more family time and more time for you

The 15-minute, one-way commute may work for some, but time optimization is crucial for many of us.  Having a home gym frees up time that would normally be spent prepping your bag, driving to the gym, getting your morning coffee, and driving back home. That extra 45 minutes to an hour can now be spent getting ready with your significant other in the morning, or sitting down to have a family supper in the evening. Whichever time of day you choose to work out, the extra time (and extra money) can make a huge impact on the quality of your life.

Time is crucial in our busy lives, and one reason people tend to fall off their routine is because they don’t have enough time to devote to other things. Their health gets pushed to the side and more pressing things take precedence. Working out at home allows you to stay fit and devote that extra time to yourself and your family.

Start Your Kids Young

Staying #FitFromHome creates a different kind of fun at your house. You give your kids an opportunity to succeed in something other than school or sports. Our CEO, Brian Brasch, has implemented a PR Gong in his garage gym. When his kids (5 and 6 years old) set a record of pushups or jumping jacks, they get to ring the PR Gong! And you can about imagine how excited they get when that time comes!


The PR Gong being put to use in the Brasch Household!

 “In a world where kids are kept occupied with technology, there’s no better feeling then seeing the excitement on their face when they get to hit the gong! It shows a different sense of excitement, and as a parent, you get to teach them that personal records don’t come easy. The kids still have to work for that extra pushup or that extra jumping jack. We feel like we’re changing their mindset that not everything is going to be handed to them in life.” – Brian Brasch, CEO, PRx Performance

Final Thoughts

Throughout the last three blog posts, I've explained to you how to start your home gym and benefits from doing so, the perfect programming for you and your fitness goals, and finally, getting others involved in your daily workout routine. Now what are you waiting for? It's time to optimize your time, optimize your space, and optimize your lifestyle.

Congratulations! You’re now #FitFromHome

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