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We launched our very first Kickstarter!

Introducing the Talon™
Traditional Barbell Collars Kind of Suck
The Talon™ Barbell Collar was one of the primary reasons we started PRx Performance in the first place. We were at a competition watching a friend compete when her barbell collar snapped off and she lost valuable time scrambling to get a replacement. Erik (Hopperstad, President) and I shook our heads, turned to each other and figured there had to be a better way. Hence the inception of the Talon™! We came up with the concept, but then quickly got sidetracked on focusing our time and attention to the Profile Racks.
Why Now?
The weight lifting world still needs a better barbell collar and this project has been on the backburner long enough! Everyone we've talked to about our idea has been super enthusiastic and some gym owners have even committed to purchase double-digit quantities once we have them available. So to ensure we'd have the resources to put into getting the Talon™ produced, we decided to try a kickstarter.
From Concept to Reality
I put together the first prototypes in my garage. It took a few times to get it to work the way we had envisioned it, but I got it.
Then it came time to do the video and get a logo. I'd had the name 'Talon' floating around in my head for a while, so we ran it by a few people and decided it was really descriptive and appropriate to our new barbell collar. So we had our name. We submitted the concept and name to 99designs (a marketplace for graphic design), and within 24 hours we literally had hundreds of designs to evaluate. Very cool service.
We're asking for $9,000. We launched on Monday and came out of the gate strong--we've already surpassed the 50% mark! Our project ends April 6th, so we're hoping we don't lose any steam. We're running a contest for a free Olympic Elite Barbell for people to either back our project or help us get the word out to everyone they know in the Crossfit, weightlifting, and fitness communities!