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Fitting Fitness into Life: Anna Cameron

Going back to where it all began…
I have been in love with fitness for so long now it’s hard to even think back to how it all really started for me. I became a mother at a young age so taking care of my daughters and working is all I've known since I was 17 years old. I remember at some point doing those great at-home workout DVDs that we all love and enjoying the feeling it gave me. Fast forward and I decided to join a gym. Quickly I became addicted to working out and lifting weights. It was my therapy, my “me” time. As I learned more, saw changes, and got stronger, there was no stopping me. I HAD to go to the gym every day to stay sane. Since I worked full-time, I would often have to go during my lunch break. My schedule eventually changed and I started having to go to the gym at 5:30 AM every day. I did this for years! During this time I would have friends that would ask if they could join me and follow my training routine, etc. I was always honored when people would join me or ask for advice.
As life goes on I met my husband and we had our son. I quickly became a wife and mother of four (we are a blended family). I fell off what was my therapy/addiction during pregnancy. After seeing the changes that happened to my body, I quickly got back into my daily gym routine. While visiting Miami, I somehow came across this gym called Legacy Fit that's run by Manning Sumner. I fell in love. It was different. Different in so many good ways. The next time I visited Miami I made sure to stop in and check out this facility. The moment I stepped into this gym, I felt the energy and it did something to me. From that instant I was so inspired to do more with my love for fitness and my boring gym routine. It took months, but I studied and finally went ahead to receive my NASM personal trainer certification. The feeling of accomplishment I had after studying my butt off, taking the test, and passing was everything.
I started with nothing but hope...
As I continued to work full-time and take care of my family, it took me longer than I care to admit to do anything with my newly accredited certification and knowledge. More time went by and I finally decided to start a small Boot Camp at my house in the backyard with absolutely nothing. I had awesome support and attendance from my friends and family. After a few months of doing Saturday morning boot camps, I decided to offer personal training sessions. I brought on one single client and purchased a kettlebell and aerobic stepper that I placed right on my back porch. That’s how the real story began. (By the way I’m still doing my 5:30 AM gym time at this point, after all, it is my only free time.)
Personal training is so rewarding and I really wanted to provide a space for myself and my clients where we could push the limits and really have that authentic training-facility atmosphere. I did some research here and there and always ended up back with PRx Performance. I was hesitant on the whole idea of creating/building a home gym. The doubt and fears were always sure to creep in. My husband finally said just do it, so I did!
Building the gym...
We ended up turning our back porch into an amazing space where I could change lives and our family now has no barriers to staying healthy and fit. I took a huge leap of faith and left my corporate job of 16 years to focus on my family and my passion for personal training, and have been able to grow both my boot camps and personal training business. This has been life-changing. It is extremely helpful to not only have my business, but my gym right in my home. It has also allowed me an awesome opportunity to work for an amazing supplement company, RSP nutrition, where I get to talk nutrition and fitness all day long with like-minded people. I can’t help but have an overwhelming feeling of happiness knowing that my children can watch and see firsthand how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle by eating right and exercising every day. It also makes me ecstatic when my six-year-old asks me if we can go outside and work out!
The PRx Performance equipment was hands-down the best decision ever. I had limited space to work with and at the end of the day quality trumps cost. I was able to get just about everything I needed all in one place - from the cerakote rack (to withstand this Florida weather) to the bumper plates and box. I now have it all! I have my space: my space where I can help others and my space where I can have my me time. I can be with my son while he is playing outside and get a workout in, or I can go out there at ANY time of the day and have the gym all to myself. I love creating videos to share my workouts and help others. I feel much better about recording at home versus the busy gym.
Social Networking:
You can find me on Instagram at @its_jus_anna or on Facebook at Anna Cameron. Also, I want to say how thankful I am for the awesome PRx family, the amazing products, and top-notch customer service. Along this journey, I’ve learned that you will never have it all figured out entirely and there won’t be a perfect time or situation to start. You just have to jump in and follow your heart!