Fitting Fitness into Life: Danni Large

Fitting Fitness into Life: Danni Large

Fitness has always been a part of my life. I grew up as a competitive gymnast, winning 3 of 4 events at the national level before breaking my ankle in 5 places and tearing all ligaments in my right ankle at the same time.

After my gymnastics career ended, I spent nearly a decade trying to find what I enjoyed, especially since I had grown up training so extensively. That’s when I found a love for CrossFit. I really enjoyed it since it gave me the same sense of competitive drive that I’d been missing, and I was able to see how competing against yourself directly affects you.


My husband and I have two kids close in age, and after a great career with Nutrabolt, I now have the best job in the world…being a stay-at-home-mom! After living a competitive lifestyle and missing a career I also loved, I was looking for an outlet as a new mom. It was hard to keep consistency with my workouts with kids to look after. They were young when I started taking them to the gym and I found every excuse to justify why I shouldn’t work out. After finding College Station CrossFit a few months after my son was born, I knew it was a perfect fit when I found out they offered child care for members! I started to find consistency in my workouts again. My kids were making friends at the gym and I realized how much I love fitness and the outlet it provides me as a parent. I had extra energy, more pride in myself, and more patience (that’s big when you’re a parent haha!). I also found my competitive spirit again!

But at the same time, making it to the CrossFit gym wasn’t always in the cards. For me, when my kids are sick, I don’t want to bring them around the other kids/babies. I found myself missing several workouts staying home with my sick kids. I loved the workouts and lifting, but I also missed the time to myself, and I knew a home gym would solve this for me. I realized that if I had to stay at home when my kids were sick – I could still workout when my son napped, and I wouldn’t have the excuse of having to drive to the gym in order to get my workout in.

I also really enjoy heavy lifting now. Without my home gym, I could only push press so much overhead to transition into a back squat and other exercises. A rack gives me the ability to lift heavier for squats without having to clean it up every time! It also allows me to workout a little extra with the competitive mindset I have possessed over the years. Even if we make it to the CrossFit gym, sometimes I just want to lift through my son’s nap time! I have really busy/active kids and keeping myself moving also keeps my energy up during the day to be the best mom I can be for them!

I now get more time with my family, more time with my kids, and more time to myself. Working out has become my “reset button” in a sense. I gain more energy to play, more patience as a mom, and additional pride in the progress I make!

But it’s not only beneficial for myself. It’s also become a teaching tool for my kids. They watch me and want to learn. They learn things like safety around weights, how to lift with their own plastic sets, and they get to learn different exercises like pullups, etc. They’re able to see that fitness is fun!

You never know what else may come from your fitness journey! I initially started for several reasons – to lose baby weight, make friends, and have that short time to myself – not realizing the other benefits I’d find – my competitive drive, extra energy, and more patience for my family. The home gym is so convenient! I can walk to my garage with the kids still in their pajamas and get my workout in!

To follow Danni’s All-American Mom journey, check her out at:

  • Instagram: @danni.r.large
  • Facebook: Danni Romasko Large
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