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The Week of Giving Hearts Day & Mission Statement Rebirth

This week has been a continuation our SWOLE Mates package deal and we're gearing up for Valentine's Day! In the spirit of love and giving the PRx Team went to the CycleBar in Fargo to donate to TNT Kid's Fitness & Gymnastics for Giving Hearts Day (Feb. 8). In their own words, “TNT provides gymnastics and fitness opportunities to over 2,000 children a week, regardless of financial, physical, or mental ability. We build confidence to help individuals overcome life's barriers.”
We were glad to be a part of such a great cause that directly affects kids in our community and helps spread the message of fitness. The true icing on the cake, however, was the competition that went with it. Of the companies that chose to participate, whichever team scored the highest won the TNT Trophy, which was great motivation for many of us. Ryan, Matt, Austin, and Tyler were all quite competitive, but out of all of us, Nancy came out on top. She started as number one (out of approx. 35) and ended at 4th! Overall the whole team finished above 20, and we are one of the top teams in the running for the trophy!
4. Nancy
5. Ryan
8. Austin
9. Tyler
10. Eric
11. Alex
12. Matt
13. Rachel
15. Lori
19. Corey

[ Row 1: Austin, Matt, Nancy ]
[ Row 2: Alex, Rachel, Lori, Ryan ]
[ Row 3: Eric, Corey, Tyler ]

In addition to our friendly competitions and donations, we shot a new video to highlight our products and their quality. Ryan and Alex went to the garage to get things set up for the shoot and unfortunately it was quite a frigid day. The high was approximately 7°F, and while they were shooting it was closer to 1° (this still is a winter North Dakota after all). Once they got the garage prepared for the shoot and had the heaters running it wasn’t so bad, and we are really excited to see the final product!
On Friday, Rachel led a team meeting to clarify and rework our mission statement. We had breakfast and broke down who we are and what we want you (our customers) to recognize us for. After a great hour, we came out with a simple and well-developed mission statement that we believe defines both us as a company and our products:
Fitting fitness into life.
While there is plenty more we want people to know about us, this simple phrase perfectly summarizes our future goals and past achievements, all while eloquently showing, through words, how our products work and help people. We are excited to update our About Us page and hopefully help people see what and who we are more clearly.