PRx Performance Profile Rack Review

While the benefits of weightlifting are obvious, figuring out how to do it effectively and efficiently, on your own time, with limited space has been an ongoing battle. I’m here to tell you, it’s a problem no more. The pioneers of the space saving market, Fargo, ND based company, PRx Performance, has the solution for you. Whether in your home, garage or small and expensive commercial space, they have designed a number of space-saving racks that, despite replication attempts, continue to be the highest quality and most versatile options available. Yes, they only take up 4” of wall space when not in use!
Since inception in early 2013, PRx Performance has intensively focused on design and innovation. In early 2014, the first Profile® Racks were introduced giving athletes a whole new opportunity for training. With simple assembly and installation, and no need for disassembly to store them away, the PRx Profile® Racks offer a very stout rack and functional pull-up bar all in one. Their efficient design folds upward to allow space for other great space-saving accessories like their wall-mounted weight storage, bar storage, medicine ball holders or Abmat holders. These clever solutions give athletes the potential for a complete gym in less than 9 feet of horizontal wall space.
With plenty of options, the Profile® Rack is customizable to suit your space and needs while fitting a number of budgets. The Cadillac is a 3”x3” Pro version which comes in 90” or 96” heights and features laser-cut numbers for easy j-cup placement. Color-option for uprights also offer the potential for a super cool look in your favorite shade. The newest and most popular option is the 2”x3” version which is available in 90” height and black. Both options can be paired with a Kipping Bar™ (which allows enough room for kipping pull-ups, butterfly pull-ups, bar muscle-ups or toes-to-bar), or a single pull-up bar for strict work making it more versatile than the competitors. Check out details and design at or here and find out product highlights on an episode of The Vanilla Ice Project at
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. But don’t be fooled…not all are created equal. Rogue and Again Faster now offer modified versions, but beware of design restrictions. Rogues 21” and 41” deep options require a number of extra installation steps, and annoying disassembly to fold them away which takes time and effort every time you workout. The 21” deep model lacks the room required to kip. The 41” deep model takes up 8’ of horizontal space folded away, which is twice that of the PRx Profile® Racks. Again Faster offers a fold-up version but the pull-up bar is an add-on and lacks functionality with no space for kipping movements. Again, installation is challenging due to the need for a ledger board prior to mounting, plus additional bracket requirements.
With a ton of options, flawless functionality and space conscious designs, PRx Performance should be your first and best option for space-saving racks and accessories. Make the most of your home, garage or small commercial space with the simplicity and efficiency of the Profile® Racks. Pull it down, go to town, push it back up and its like it’s not even there. Lift big in small spaces!