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The Week of Minnesota State Hockey

This week we made the last minute decision to go set up a booth at the “Let’s Play Hockey” Expo in St. Paul MN. The expo is set up to coincide with the Minnesota State Hockey Tournament and draws lots of hockey fans to the area to watch teams duke it out for the title.
Anyway, we spent the week training Alex, Austin, Corey, and Matt on how to put together the booth and what needed to be packed for the weekend. Lots of planning and preparation went into the trip and Thursday they shipped off! On the drive down, the van we rented to haul the booth topped out at a solid 70mph, so there was no speeding (whether the gang wanted to or not).
Our booth was located right in front of the loading doors so they had to walk 20 feet to move our setup from the van to our spot. Good thing too, because there was plenty of steel and a heavy wall that needed to go up. All-in-all, the hours spent in preparation more than paid off. Our group set the booth up in less than 3 hours! To reward themselves, they went to watch the Timberwolves play the Celtics!
Fast forward to Friday morning, the show opened at 10 and this is where we got the opportunity to meet all of you!! We were not quite sure what to expect, but St. Paul and Minnesota hockey fans gave us a warm welcome when we began showing off our Profile PRO Rack with Kipping Bar and our Profile Folding Bench! The kids loved playing on the equipment (after all it was basically just a big jungle-gym to them) and we had some fun with it! After a few hours, we started a few competitions like most strict pull-ups, most benching reps at 135lbs, and the box-jump challenge. We were more than impressed by those that took the challenges on! The records were an astounding 40 reps for 135lb bench, 25 strict pull-ups, and only 20 people completed our box-jump challenge! We loved talking to all of you, and hope that if you have any questions you give us a call!
As a reminder for those of you stopped by and talked with us at the booth if you use HOCKEY5 you can get 5% off any order until the end of this month!

Trav4Oilers decided to play some cornhole against Corey

Everyone enjoys a good workout, even if it's your first time benching

We had another guest appearance from Coach Jeremy Rupke at How to Hockey

These kids LOVED our box-jump challenge

But it wasn't ONLY kids that found the box-jump challenge difficult, plenty of adults had some epic faceplants too

When it came time to benching we saw some huge numbers (reps and spectators!)

Some kids put up an amazing effort and really surprised us when it came to pull-ups

Matt loves to help people! If you have questions feel free to give us a call
(701) 566-0452

Hopefully you took Corey's card and a pamphlet! Remember, HOCKEY5 will take 5% off your order until the end of March.