Can you really add seven new exercises with just one piece of PRx gear? Absolutely.
A landmine allows you to challenge multiple muscle groups in your workouts. Not sure where to start? Check out these landmine movements that are worth the reps!
Load up your weights, lay on the floor, and slowly guide your bar up as you move into a full sit-up position.
This one is fun! Stand parallel to your loaded bar sleeve. Grab the sleeve of your barbell with your hand closest to the bar. As you pull your barbell up, rotate your body and quickly swap hands in an overhead punch movement. Don’t forget to swap sides!
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart in a slight bend, and when you’re ready, explode your jerk movement by bringing one foot back and the barbell up overhead.
So simple and so worth it! Face your landmine and move your loaded bar to your shoulder or center of your body. Hold the bar as you perform your squats.
It’s easy - prep to perform a bent-over row with one arm holding the end of your barbell and row!
Same as your Two-Handed Sit-Up but with one arm!
Set up with the bar going across in front of your body, sitting on your knees. Lift the bar with the arm that is toward the landmine base following the arc of the landmine and finish by following the same arc back down. Easy!
Hold the bar at your chest and then step back into the lunge with your knee barely brushing the floor. The bar offers some resistance for the lift back to a stand—alternate legs for your workout.
PRx has multiple landmine options so you can pick which option is best for your home gym space.
The PRx Post Landmine (aka the Torsonator) works with your weight plates and a bar!
The PRx Wall-Mounted Landmine doubles as barbell storage for your home gym. This Landmine installs on any wall stud. Just remove the pin, and you're ready to move!
Love the idea of a folding rack in your home gym? The Profile® Landmine attaches to the base of your folding rack, saving you studs and space!
With the Build Limitless™ Landmine you can use your landmine on every rack option as you continue to grow from squat stand to a full cage or 6-post rack!
Do you have a favorite landmine workout? Let us know!
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